Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Lunar New Year!

I am almost two months old. These past few weeks, I've had a bunch of visitors! I love visitors! Whenever other people visit, I am always on my very best behavior because I love new sights, sounds, and smells and love being held.

I made a new friend -- Emilia. She is much bigger than I am and can even walk! 

Mommy and I have a routine now. She still takes me on a walk every day. Sometimes I enjoy it, and other times I don't. 

In terms of milestones -- I slept 7.5 hours straight last night! Mommy and daddy are praying that it's the beginning of a trend, but I'm not sure whether or I not I should keep it up. My neck is also getting stronger -- I even sat in a bumbo seat the other day!  

Some things are still the same though. For example, I still do this dance when I am hungry.